Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What good in French diet.

French diet
Have you ever wondered how many the French are obese? You will never believe me - only eight per cent! And if these statistics to collect for our country, it will be sad, because almost 25 percent of people have a problem with being overweight. Every second American is a fat man. This difference is impressive, is not it?

So what is the secret of the French harmony? If you want to get the answer does not necessarily buy tours to France. The secret is very simple - proper nutrition. Everyone knows the French are picky eaters. They eat only quality products.

If you're want to have the elegant and graceful figure, the French diet was created just for you. With this diet is quite possible to lose up to seven - eight kilogram weight bothers you.

The French diet is calculated for exactly two weeks. Just keep in mind that the products that will be consumed you must buy only the best and quality food.

The menu of the French diet:
First day.

For breakfast you can drink a cup of real coffee, but without sugar. At lunch relies couple leaves of lettuce and two boiled eggs. Dinner includes a piece of boiled meat about two hundred grams, and lettuce.

Day Two.

For breakfast you can eat a couple of small toasts and drink a cup of unsweetened coffee. The lunch include the roasted carrots. And dinner consists of two eggs soft-boiled, small and low-fat sausage and a couple of lettuce leaves.

The third day.

The breakfast consists of black coffee and a couple of toasts. Lunch is composed of fried carrot, tomatos and orange. Dinner: a couple of lettuce leaves, small size, low-fat sausage and two eggs boiled.

Fourth day.

For breakfast, eat a couple of toasts and drink a cup of black coffee without sugar. Lunch consists of fresh carrots, fat-free cheese and two boiled eggs . Dinner - low-fat yogurt and fruit salad.

Fifth day.

In the morning for breakfast eat mashed grated carrots and drink a glass of apple juice.
For lunch, boiled fish (200 grams) and two small tomatoes.
That evening at dinner - 200 grams of boiled or steam meat.

Sixth day.

The morning meal is limited only by the natural cup of black coffee without sugar. Lunch includes 200 grams of boiled chicken and salad leaves. For dinner, eat 200 grams of boiled meat.

The seventh day.

The breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar. Eat a piece of boiled meat and fruits for the lunch. Supper consists of a piece of ham fat-free (250 grams).

The second week of the diet is similar by nutrition in the first week. Such way the dropping weight can be applied once a year. In the period of the French diet you can drink mineral water without gas in unlimited quantities and even half a glass of dry red wine before lunch or dinner.

These two weeks the body is changing and getting used to a new diet, when the craving for sweets, flour and salt gradually disappears. This diet has a considerable number of contraindications, so if you do not treat completely healthy people, then before you begin a diet check with your doctor.

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